We the members of Odisha civil society are deeply disturbed on account of the growing incidence of violence in Government educational institutions
particularly Universities and Colleges our State.
The very sad figures adds when a govt. officer acts as an agent of the ruling party of the State and intervene in the state affairs of a college, further increases the violence in the premises.
In recent past the cases happened in the different govt. colleges or universities like Utkal University , BJB College , Revenshaw Autonomous College , MPC Autonomous College , Mayurbhanj etc. Few days back in Bhawanipatna College ’s golden jubilee foundation day, a national repute journalist of the state Mr Chandra Mishra who was the chief speaker of the d-day was being humiliated or manhandled by the collector of the Kalahandi Mrs Rupa Mishra where the chief minister was the silent spectator who didn’t pay heeds the incident. The matter aggravated, the whole students including lecturers and inhabitants of the Kalahandi district blocked the road, boycotted the examination and demonstrated in many places to transfer the said authority.
The college is now the testing ground of the different political parties particularly the ruling party is trying to interfere in college election which goes against the judgment of Lyngdo commission.
Excellency, we urge upon you to bring these to the notice to you for urgent and immediate action that ….
1. Order to stop use of political activities in the educational premises
2. Suspend the govt. officials who found to be guilty by abusing his/her legitimate power.
3. Impartial investigate the matter which defame the dignity of a journalist as violates his fundamental rights.
4. Strictly follow the order of Lyngdo commission regarding the election procedure of colleges.
5. Symbolic action should be initiated against the said political parties found in interfering the matters of govt. colleges.
On behalf of Save Odisha Forum