Indian constitution says people
are sovereign, Govt. has given an undertake in court not to use force against
people but in Dhinkia, how a elected Sarapanch has been suspended by the State
Govt. and peoples are being tortured to vacate their land for the sake of the
proposed South Korean POSCO mega steel plant said eminent human rights defender
Dr Binayak Sen in a memorial lecture on yesterday in Bhubaneswar,Orissa.
Forty Five year of displacement
data says only one-third of people are being compensated in India even the
oustee of Hirakud Dam in Odisha has not been fully compensated yet.
The Govt. of India says the
country is developing day by day, the economic is booming but more than 40
percentage of people are suffering chronic nutrition shortage, in Orissa the
figure is more than sixty said Dr Sen. According to WHO if Body Max Index[BMI]
is below 18.5, there is famine like situation. The percapita consumption of
grain reduced from 800 grams to 700 grams in the last five year. Twenty percent
of people enjoying eighty three percent of global income and bottom twenty
percent is getting only one percent. The disparity of India is more
than the world figure. The Arjun Sengupta committee says more than 80
percentage of people in India
living less than Ruppes 20 per day he added.
On 25th December 2010,
I had been charged by the trial court in guilty of sedition, the Supreme Court
granted me bail saying no evidence of sedition.
In 1922, Mahatma Gandhi had been
punished for 6 years of imprisonment by the British Govt. The same United Kingdom has overthrown the law but in India
still the draconian law exists.
In the name of Salwa Judam,
tribal people are being taken from their villages and spearhead to kill their community
people when they protest against such move like me either they are being encountered by the police or send to custody
by leveling Maoist.
Dr Sen with Mr Manoj Jena
An all India campaign to repeal sedition
laws will start soon, PUCL and other leading human rights organizations in the
country will lead this campaign with one million signatures placing before the
winter session of parliament.
In an exclusive discussion with Mr
Manoj Jena of Peoples Watch, Dr Sen astonished about the serious violation of
human rights in the Orissa particularly increasing the attacks on human rights defenders.
Mr Jena requested him to take a key role of the National campaign against
Torture initiated by Peoples Watch.
·Collector Gheraoed by agitated farmers · Goondaism
of SP- kicked farmer’s leader ·Blatant Human
Rights Violation by Dhenkanal Police – Peoples Watch ·Urgent
action solicited: Odisha Civil Society
The Superitendent of police, Dhenkanal distruict
of Odisha Mr Satish Gajviya kicked and
beaten severely to Mr Ranjan Kumar Lenka, a farmer leader of Gondia block.
Mr Lenka seen with FF team
The incident happened yesterday on 28th
May 2011 about 10.30 am when both collector and SP reached in Gondia for a
public meeting, the angry farmers questioned about the steps taken to call off
the hunger strike of Er Debashis Hota, the convenor of Krushak Sangharsh
Samiti[KSS] when the strike reached on 7th day.
Without answering the question, the SP threaten
for dare consequences, when Mr Lenka argued about the callousness of district administration
toward fulfilling the farmers demands and even not visiting the dharana place
to solve the problem, he pushed by the SP then kicked and beaten severely, said
how dared to become witness against me in a complaint filed by bloody Hota?
Later Mr Lenka and three others were arrested under section IPC 294,341,506,186,34
IPC & 7 crpc, taken to Gondia police station.
Er Hota seen with FF team
Earlier on 24th May 2011, Peoples
Watch conducted a fact finding of 146 farmers illegal arrest and tortured by
the Dhenkanal police and administration. Then the case has been taken to the
Orissa Human Rights Commission on 25th May 2011 [attached the
This is the second incident of police atrocity against
the KSS leaders where the human rights activist, forums and civil society
members are very much panic about the attitude of state govt towards the
peaceful farmers leaders.
behalf of Kalinga Nagar Jamihara Chasi Surakshya Sangh[KNJCSS] we pray before your honour and draw your attention that,
with knowledge of districts administration, Honb’le Chief minister, company authorities
and other competent personel. The Sangha members have been sitting in the
peaceful GANADHARANA in democratic way to fulfill our two genuine demands with
other demands since 11.08.2010 at Danagadi Tahasil, Dist- Jajpur, Odisha. But
till now both the district administration office and Chief Minister Office is
silent and callous to fulfill our demands. We have also given a memorandum on
dated-24.11.2010 to the Honb’le Governor Odisha at Bhubaneswar through a peaceful rally against
silent activities of the govt. to fulfill our demands. Though in this
stipulated period 6 months have already been elapsed but till now no steps have
taken by the Govt. to fulfill our demands who have sacrificed their agriculture
lands means lively hood for the development of nation. So silent and callous
nature of Govt. is creating a violation of human rights for the land looser at
Kalinganagar who have lost their agriculture lands for the purpose of establish
of 2nd Steel Plant means for the development of state and nation. Hence for
your information we submit the following grounds to take necessary steps to
fulfill our genuine demands.
Late Biju Pattanaik had a great dream to eradicate unemployed problems in
Odisha and it will be solved only through industrialisation. For that purpose
in the year 1992 for the establishment of second Steel Plant he had held a
Bhumipuja Ceremony at Jakhapura in the district of Jajpur the then district Cuttack. So many people
had gathered here from every corner of Odisha felt that our long cherished hope
fulfilled through this ceremony for establishment of second Steel Plant after
Rourkela Steel Plant. On that meeting Biju Babu announced all land losers
family and austee will get job in this project and every house and family had
survey regarding unemployed and financial status of this area by the Govt. and
near about 20 revenue villages acquired for the establishment of 2nd
Steel Plant through Govt. notification. Biju Babu had also named this area as
Kalinganagar in Bhumi Puja ceremony. In spite of demanding higher compensation
by land losers on the request of Late Biju Pattanaik the farmers of
Kalinganagar sacrificed their forefather agriculture lands receiving of Rs. 37.000/- per Acre
as compensation money by the Govt. and had great hope their children must get
job in this project with to avail other facilities as per Biju Babu Assurance.
due to failure of establishment of 2nd Steel Plant the Govt. knowingly violated
all rules and regulations of rehabilitation and acquisition of land without
knowledge of land losers,& village meeting (Pallisabha) in local revenue
villages. The Govt. allotted all acquisition area of 2nd Steel Plant area to so
many private companies through IDCO as per MOU. And in the mean time IDCO
received near about of Rs. 3.5 lakhs
above per Acre from private companies. Due to
protest of land losers, the Govt. again paid of Rs. 63,000/- per Acre as ex-gratia money to all land losers who
have lost the land for the purpose of
second Steel Plant through 3steps
and again the Govt. also assured to give job to the land losers family. Here a
question arises in every mind if the Govt. had paid the genuine compensation of
Rs. 37,000/- per Acre at the time of
land acquisition for the purpose of 2nd Steel Plant why the Govt.
paid again of Rs. 63,000/- (total =1
Lakh) per Acre to the land losers as ex-gratia.
now the land losers whose lands have allotted to TATA Steel by the IDCO
(Govt.), they are receiving of Rs. 4 lakhs per Acre
as compensation money. Previously the same lands have been acquired for the
purpose of the establishment of 2nd Steel Plant. Here a question arises if the
second Steel Plant is a Khatian all the Land losers are equal co-sharer who
have lost their land for the establishment of 2nd Steel Plant. So all the land
losers who have lost their land for the purpose of 2nd Steel Plant are right
and genuine to obtain the same higher compensation of Rs. 4 lakhs by the Govt.
like TATA acquisition area land losers at Kalinganagar. So we are demanding the
same is our genuine demand.
due to lack of outlook the Govt.
rehabilitation and acquisition policy is very defective because one without
loosing any cultivating land an austee is getting so many facilities like
permanent job to all adults of a family, homestead land is allotted to all
adults, compensation money is given for construction of new building and
destruction of old building. But on the other hand a land loser who lost his
total agriculture land by means of livelihood leaving his only residential
house is not getting a job. That “the cultivated land is source of income butresidential
house is not source of income”.
So the farmers who had been cultivating their lands hereditary since long years
ago for food, now they have lost their land for Industrial Purpose and their
little bit compantation money have already expensed in different ways. So the
poor land losers at Kalinganagar now land less, job less & Money less &
how they will maintained their family is a question for all. Now so many land
losers family are remaining on starvation without any source of income. So we
are demanding to give a permanent job to each land loser family as our genuine
here is a question also arises in every mind that how many industries polices
will be utilized in a state because in POSCO package the Govt. has declared to give jobs to all land losers
family. & job or allowances will be given who is collecting betel leaf from
Pana Baraja & also compensation is
given to the encroacher of the Govt. land but on the other hand job is not
given to the land losers family and there is no Compensation is given to the
encroacher of the Govt. land at KalingaNagar. Though since 1928 the major
settlement operation is not done here for industrial purpose. So it is clear
out that the Govt. has betrayed to the land losers of KalingaNagar. So we are demanding
to get equal justice by the Govt. like POSCO package.
the Companies are violating all the Govt. rules and regulations at
KalingaNagar. They are using ground water showing false plantation , creating
environmental pollution. So it is found peoples in locality are suffering from
so many skin & unknown diseases.
the companies are also violating the Govt. decision instead of local employment
without advertisement in any local news paper they are giving job to the out
with help of district administration the companies are violating the rules and
regulations of land acquisition and rehabilitation because though like village
Khadigatia, Kudumi Sahi, Kacheri gaon people etc. are not shifted to rehabilitation
colony some companies are forcible extending their boundary & constructing their extension
plant but the district administration is totally silent to see everything like a
blind but on the other hand if anybody will protest supporting human rights the local police is arresting
him in false case for suppress the illegal activities of companies at
it is prayed that your honour may be pleased to enquiry and to take necessary
steps regarding above mentioned points to fulfill our genuine demands and to
break the violation of human rights at KalingaNagar and for this act of your
honours kindness our sangha as in duty bound shall remain ever pray.
Sub:Complaint to the
OHRC and action solicited against the Perpetrators for torture and illegal
arrest of farmers’ leaders who were sat in dharana peacefully.
Respected Sir
We a group of fact
finding team visited Dhenkanal
District, Orissa on 24th May 2011 after came to know that a group of
farmers leaders tortured and jailed illegally in protesting peacefully for
certain farmers beneficial demands which has details mentioned in below .
Plz follow
the details of fact findings in below. Hope you will consider the matter as
most serious and take necessary action from your end.
Mr. Manoj
Jena, State Coordinator, Peoples Watch
Mr. Braja
Kishore Tripathy, Former Union Minister
Mr Sandeep
Mohanty, State Coordinator, Yuva Vikash Abhiyan
4. Full Address: 34, Laxmi Vihar PO: SainikSchool,
Bhubaneswar-30, Orissa
Ph: 094371
78921, Email:
5. District: Bhubaneswar
6. Pin Code: 751030
1. Incident Place (Village/Town/City):
Collectorate and different
places of Kamakshya Nagar Block.
2. State: Orissa
3. District: Dhenkanal
4. Date of Incident: 24 May 2011
5. Time of Incident: Between 2 am to
1. Name of the
victim: Er Debashis Hota, Convenor, Krushak Sangharsha Samiti, Dhenkanal And 145 leaders and members of KSS.
2. No. of victims: 146
3. State: Orissa
4. Full Address: Krushak Sangharsha
Samiti , Dakhinakali Road
5. District: Dhenkanal District, Orissa
6. Pin Code: 759001
7. Religion: Hindu
8. Caste: General, OBC and Dalit
9. Sex:
10. Age: 25-75 yrs
11. Whether Disabled: No
12: (SC/ST/OBC/General) person: General, OBC and Dalit
D. Brief
summary of facts/allegations of human rights involved :
On 23th
May 2011, about 7am, Er Debashis Hota, the convenor and others leaders of
Krushak Sangharsha Samiti[KSS] were sat in fast unto death protest against the
callousness of district administration towards fulfilling the 20 points demands
of KSS a frontal organization of Odisha Chasi Surakshya Abhiyan.
forum had taken its demands in different occasion starting from 4th
March 2011 in a block meeting at Bhuban then the same process continued in all
blocks of the district and finally on 30th March 2011 after a big
meeting in the presence of eminent farmers leaders of the state in Dhenkanal
stadium followed by a rally to the collectorate and submitted the memorandum in
the hand of collector. The details documents of correspondence attached in the
petition for your knowledge.
On 24th
May 2011, about 2am night near about 30-40 armed police men headed by IIC Town
P.S, OIC Tumisingha PS and Pandua Out-Post Inchage rushed to the dharana
place,taken Er Hota while he was
knowing the cause of arrest and any memo of arrest he was taken to the police
vehicle even he debarred to use mobile phone to inform his relatives and co
On 24th
May 2011 an early morning when the message spread about the arrest of Mr Hota,
the members of KSS in different places of Kamakshya Nagar Block protested in
road in which 145 members were arrested by the police and sent to the judicial
their several grievances and talk with district administration through peaceful
and proper official procedure, the leaders and members of KSS were tortured,
mis-behaved and uncared of their genuine livelihood demands by the
E. Whether complaint is against Members of Armed Forces/ Para-Military
Yes. Against the District Magistrate cum Collector, Superintendent of Police,
Inspector In Charge, Town Police Station, Office In charge of Tumusingha Police
Station and Pandua Outpost In-Charge.
F. Whether
similar complaint has been filed before any Court/ State Human Rights Commission:
G. Name, designation & address of the public servant against whom
Complaint is being made:
Mr Girish SN, Collector cum District
Magistrate of Dhenkanal
Mr Satish Gajbhaiye, Superitendent of
Police Dhenkanal
Under the aegis of Odisha Nagarik Samaj [ONAS] on 11th May 2011, a seminar was organized at Redcross Bhawan, Bhubaneswar on the burning subject “ How to fight against corruption” in three dimension like Electoral reform, Administrative reform and Media and Civil Society Collaboration.
Mr Manoj Jena, Member Secretary of ONAS moderated the meeting. Among the dignitaries who spoke on the occasion are Mr Baisnav Parida, MP Rajyasabha, Mr D.K.Roy, eminent bureaucrat, Mr Rabi Das, senior journalist, Prof J.Parikhit,Mr Satya Patnaik, Zonal Coordinator, NYKS, Mrs Prativa Das, Lecturer English, Mr Bipin Tripathy, Retd, teacher Bhim Bhoi Blind School, Md Ziauddin Hindustani, Mr Dolagobinga Pradhan, former minister etc.
The resolution made in this meeting are follows..
üPolitical parties should be subject to audit for more accountability.
üElected MP, MLAs and Govt. Servants should furnish their property list year wise
üMedia should effectively play a positive role against the corruption.
üThe State govt. should formulate an act on Rights of Citizens for Time Bound Service.
üRecovery of loss caused by any corrupt public servant and visible punishment be awarded.
üThe justice delivery institutions should be strengthened and these are allowed to play impartial or free from any influence.
Mr Bhabani Charan Pattnaik, eminent freedom fighter and former MP was felicitated as “ Nagarik Samman” on his 90th birth anniversary.
On the occassion to observe Gandhiji's historic foot march against untouchability in Odisha on 9th May 1934 from Puri to Bhadrak about 156 miles, a meeting was organised by Gandhi Seva O Sadbhabana Pratisthan-Odisha[GSSPO] in Cuttack,today.
The meeting was convened by Mr Gopabandhu Mallick,IPS and IG Odisha Human Rights Commission who is also the president of GSSPO. Among the guest and dignitaries who spoke Justice RK Patra, Chaiperson, Odisha Human Rights Commission, veteran freedom fighter Sri Purossotam Nayak,aged 102, former MP,freedom fighter and president Kalinga Foundation Trust Mr Bhabani Charan Pattnaik, Former Minister and veteran freedom fighter Mr Dolagobinda Pradhan, Mr Prahallad Agrawalla, close aide to Netaji Subash chandra Bose, Dr Pabak Kanungo, eminemt Gandhian Schollar, Mr Manoj Jena, Secretary, Vinoba Seva Pratisthan and many more.
All speakers held views that casteism is the main deterrent of progress in a developed society.The organistion faliciated the eminemt personalities who has contributed a lot to visualise a caste free society and promote human rights and dignity of dalits.